An alarm isn't always a bad thing!
I'm guessing that not many people love an alarm...I know I don't in the morning and would love to just wake up on my own daily. However, my husband does want to get to work and work out before so that rarely gets to happen. I digress though...

I have discovered a way that an alarm or sudden sound from my phone or oven clock is a sound that I like and one that helps I'm going to share it.

It's not rocket science and possibly you already do this so I'm not sharing anything new for you. However, I've found that it's SO helpful for me and it just might be so for you too!

What am I talking about? Setting an alarm or a timer to get things done or to remind yourself to do something. I'll give you some examples...

- We had our bathroom completely redone two summers ago and had a fan put in the shower to help suck up some of the moisture so it's not so hard to keep clean. We try to keep it on as long as possible, but all day isn't good or necessary and that's happened several times. So, now I set a timer on my phone to go off...when it does I go into the bathroom and turn off the fan.

- I've got to meet my husband somewhere in just a few minutes and I wondered what I could do during the time between getting back from the store and going to meet him. Well, I knew I wanted to write a blog post, so I've set my timer for when I need to leave and sat down to write. Then I don't have to worry about being late. I'll just leave when it goes off...I can always finish this post later when I get back home.

I'm not alarm I had set off went off just as I finished the above paragraph! I'm back and since my computer was opened to this and I had started...of course I'm going to finish. So this proves the point exactly of why setting a timer can be a great thing! I can promise you I would not have felt like starting this now but I can definitely finish it!

One last way I use the timer...when I know I need to do something or tackle a project (clean out a drawer, fold a huge pile of laundry, clean off a counter, etc.) that I keep putting off; I set a timer for maybe 10-15 minutes and tell myself I'll work until it goes off. I do that and if I don't finish the task during that time, I rarely walk away once the timer goes off and don't finish what I've started. 

So, as you can see...setting a timer is a great way to get you started doing something you keep putting off and giving yourself a way to walk away and tackle it another time or finish it and realize it wasn't such an insurmountable task after all!

Now can you see why an alarm/timer on your phone isn't always a bad thing? There's rarely a day that goes by that I don't use this in some way! Hope it helps you as well.


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