Can you name a good habit you have done every single day for the last 8 years with the exception of one week? (That was due to a shipping snafu.)
You know something is beneficial and good if you don’t miss for that long a time. Six months into our proactive wellness journey I redeemed points (like credit) to get two bottles of an antioxidant drink called Ningxia Red. I kept hearing things about it like it was the Holy Grail. I got some 1oz shot glasses at Walmart so I could portion it out so my two free bottles would last as long as possible.
Mark asked what the big deal about this drink was and I couldn’t answer him, so I started researching. I came back the next day with some mouth dropping testimonies and Mark said some of the most prophetic words, “It sounds like we need to be drinking this every single day even if we have to pay for it if it’s capable of doing those things.”
So began our journey of drinking 1oz each of Ningxia Red every day if your last name was Mayfield. I couldn’t make you use oils or have a diffuser in your room, but drinking Ningxia Red was a non-negotiable in our family. I never dreamed we would be able to see tangible results in our family…it took a few months because after all, our bodies are complex creations.
This post would be way too long to share every single thing we’ve individually noticed from drinking our 1oz daily (Victoria has been drinking 2oz a day for 4+ years now) but here’s a few:
- Pretty quickly we began noticing we had more energy. Not nervous energy, but stamina to do whatever we needed to do that day and feel great while doing it. Victoria went from only being able to play one tennis match in high school tennis to playing two and then going to an hour lesson because she still felt like it.
- Celia used to be HIGHLY sensitive to all things dairy and we had eliminated that from her diet years before. After a few years of drinking her daily Ningxia, she began adding dairy back into her diet and wasn’t negatively affected by it anymore.
Celia used to catch every.single.bug that went around her school and missed quite a bit of school. After that first winter of drinking Ningxia Red daily we realized she had not missed any days that year and went on to get perfect attendance for several years after that.
None of us have had to go to sick call or felt so bad we’ve had to go to the doctor in the last 8 years. I definitely don’t believe that’s a coincidence.
I could go on, but if you’ve gotten this far you’re getting the idea! While I 100% believe in multiple Young Living products that we use daily/consistently, I tell people that if they are just going to do one thing a day…drink 1-2 oz of Ningxia Red.
It was tested in clinical trials a couple of years ago and the results are pretty amazing, but not surprising to the Mayfield’s since we have testimonies in spades of what drinking this yummy drink everyday for the last 8 years. I’m so very thankful Mark saw the value of making this investment for our short and long-term health!