Oh the Things I Never Thought Possible!
Nine years ago today (3/21/23) I intentionally ordered my first Oils Bundle & unintentionally began my journey as a Young Living Brand Partner! It’s been the most amazing ride I could never have dreamed for myself!

I’m thankful the Lord didn’t give me a choice in becoming a BP, but just made it happen because HE knew I would have been too reluctant to begin this journey. Oh I’m so glad he put me on it because it’s led to these things:

  • Community that I had only dreamed of– Including dear friends that have my back in any/every situation & that will help me grow in ways I never thought possible.

  • Personal Development/Stretching that is helping me become a much more intentional and better version of who the Lord would have me to be AND modeling this for my family, which has caused them to do/try things they would not have had they not seen their mom/wife push past her comfort zone consistently.

  • Chances to travel throughout the US (some of them all-expense paid trips) & experience new places and people

  • A commission check every single month has been a huge blessing to my family & allowed me to purchase/install nine Little Free Libraries on the grounds of all the schools in our high poverty school district. Plus give scholarships to nine (so far) high school seniors in our district that come from poverty but are wanting to move on in their education after high school.

I haven’t even mentioned all the benefits physically that our family has experienced from the YL products, but that’s a given for those consistently using our amazing products! Plus if you follow my stories/posts, you see me share about this often!

My question to my fellow Young Living users…if there is even ONE Young Living product that you love and have a story of how it’s helped your family–have you made the decision to become a Brand Partner? If not…why not?


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