I love knowing people’s recommendations & things they love and got the idea to share multiple ones from Kendra Adachi at the Lazy Genius. She does so each season, so I’m sure I’ll have more come a few months from now but here's my current ones...
Banana Oatmeal Bars – These are made with totally clean ingredients and THEY ARE SO GOOD!! I only go a few days from when I run out to making the next batch. I keep them on the counter for a day or two and then move to the fridge where they stay for a week at least (if they last that long!) They work great for breakfast, snacks, etc. Here’s the recipe – https://dishingouthealth.com/banana-peanut-butter-oat-protein-bars/#recipe
Celia (our college girl) being home from France! I love that she had that opportunity, but I just am so glad that she’s home! An extra bonus is that she in Jonesboro all summer working at the JCC Pro Shop and pet-sitting.
Siete BBQ Chips – As I continue to learn about what’s good and not for my body, I am being intentional about not eating foods with Seed Oils in them. Well I LOVE chips but they have seed oils in all the main ones. So I have been working to find others that are without seed oils. There are several brands, but I’m loving the Siete BBQ ones…SO spicy & yummy.
Crocheted Dish Cleaner – Several months ago I bought a couple of crocheted dish cleaners and I LOVE THEM!!! They are made of synthetic string and look brand new still. I just throw them in the washer to clean them. I need to learn to crochet so I can make them…although they are holding up wonderfully!
Reading – I have loved reading for years, but it is giving me even more joy these days! I realized a few days after I had Victoria (crazy that was 24 years ago this month) that I HAD to read even just for 5 minutes everyday to feel like myself. I read LOTS more than 5 minutes a day now and still have a crazy long To Be Read list.
Amazing Race seasons – Mark, Celia & I love this show & have watched ALL the seasons except the last one. Our rule is we have to watch together, so we just finished the next to last season a couple of weeks ago (thankfully it has many of the elements from the first seasons back so it’s much more competitive) and we have one more season to watch. I highly recommend this show! It will expand your travel list & possibly help make you a bit more brave.
My favorite summer dresses – Several years ago I got two dresses at Gearhead (they aren’t made anymore) that are made out of a material similar to parachutes. THEY ARE WONDERFUL!! They look as good as the day I got them and I LOVE wearing them! I would buy 5 more if they still made them so I could wear them 7 days a week.
Scrub brush cleaner – I shared this graphic I believe a few weeks ago, but it’s in the comments below if you want to see it again. I got one of those scrub brushes that has a spot for dish soap in the handle, except I put a concoction to clean my bathroom sinks, showers & tubs! It’s made it so much easier to get those hard to reach places & you know I’m all about cleaning with Thieves and not having cleaning headaches! I’ve got to get another brush to keep in the kitchen for that sink.
1.0 readers for small writing in Insta Stories – Well a few weeks ago I got some 1.0 readers to read the small print in Insta stories and it’s been so nice! I have been so fortunate to have such great vision these last 10 years thanks to Frankincense!! Readers haven’t been needed at all & thankfully my eyes are seeing better without them because I’m not having to strain for those few times I put on my readers for that small print.
This is by no means all the things I love, but what have been extra wonderful these last few weeks/months! I'd love to hear any you have to share.