To the Parents of High School Seniors -

To the Parents of High School Seniors -

This piece of advice I heard last year made for a MUCH BETTER SENIOR YEAR for this mama!! I think I heard it on a podcast, but I have no idea who I heard it from. So, to honor this invaluable information from that person…I’m passing it on to you.

This was our second go-round having a senior and I was miserable the entire senior year of my oldest and was not looking forward to going through that again! By miserable I mean I cried at the drop of a hat, with no warning all throughout the year. We marked everything as “this is the last…” 

The advice I received from the mystery podcast….Do not go through the senior year thinking/saying, “This is the last…” Why? That infers that what’s coming next is not good and exciting and IT IS!! Yes, it’s going to be very different, but it’s good.

So, what mindset/attitude did I take on last year with my youngest daughter during her senior year? We didn’t use the word last…we just were present in the moment and enjoyed the mess out of each opportunity the year brought. Guess how many times I cried? Only one. 

It was a MUCH MORE PLEASANT YEAR for all involved. 

So, good luck Mom and Dad as you are headed into this very full year for your senior! I hope you enjoy to the fullest all that it brings.
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