Kara Mayfield

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Meet Kara Mayfield


Several years ago I was so anxious about life and not handling it well and definitely not sleeping well. My shoulders stayed bunched up and there were days I did more yelling at my girls than encouraging them. No matter if I slept super well (rarely) or not...the afternoons were a black hole for me because I had no energy to do anything. I almost never had 2 productive days in a row because I would be too tired. 

During this same time period our youngest daughter was missing dozens of days of school each year because she got sick with every germ that entered our county it seemed. I was SO tired of getting calls to go get her at school. I was also so tired of being so tired! 

It got so bad, in fact, that I was sure one night I was having heart issues. I took myself to my doctor. He ran tests and quickly determined it wasn’t my heart but anxiety. I left his office with a prescription for meds and told this was just part of my life at this stage of life. I took these for a few weeks, maybe a couple of months, but took myself off because I’ve never been a fan of meds and couldn’t really tell they were helping a whole lot. I still wasn’t in a good place between this anxiety and then having a sick kid home so many days when she should have been at school. But I just decided to paint on a happy face and make do.

A blogger I regularly read started posting about how she was helping her family stay well and feel better. I was super intrigued and wanted to learn more. Since I didn’t know her, I asked around until I found someone I knew to answer my questions and educate me a bit. Once I learned a bit I was sold and ready to go. I’ll be honest though...I thought it was just a neat thing. I had NO IDEA it was going to help me and our family in so many life-changing ways.

I love that I don’t feel wound up tight anymore and can enjoy this life I have been blessed with. Our daughter doesn’t miss school for being sick anymore. In fact, she’s on her 2nd or 3rd year of no missed days for being sick. I have so much more energy all day long and I’m sleeping so much better. I don’t have to paint on a happy face anymore...I actually feel happy and am positively thriving in so many areas of life now, not just surviving.

Guess what? My daughters are thriving too because our relationship is SO much better because they feel better but they are around a mama that is not yelling at them but being an encourager and positive motivator in their lives. It's made all the difference!

Come join our group of mamas desiring to not just survive but positively thrive in our exclusive community and learn how you can thrive in life and not just paint on a happy face. 

Ready to learn how to thrive? Contact me!
